中华环保联合会 今天是2025年02月11日







[1] Hongping He, Jianglin Cao, Ning Duan,Defects and their behaviors in mineral dissolution under waterenvironment: A review, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 651: 2208–2217.

[2] Hongping He, Jianglin Cao, Ning Duan, Synergistic effect between ultrasound and fierce mechanical activation towards mineral extraction: A case study of ZnO ore, Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry, 2018, 48: 163-170.

[3] Hongping He, Jianglin Cao, Ning Duan, Novel bead-milling mechanically pulverized bulk mineral particles to ultrafine scale: Energy storage and cleaner promotion of mineral extraction, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 198: 46-53.

[4] Fuyuan Xu, Linhua Jiang, Ning Duan et al.. Mass balance and quantitative analysis of cleaner production potential in a zinc electrolysis cellhouse. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016,135:712-720.

[5] Ke Xiao, Fuyuan Xu, Ning Duan et al.. The oxidative degradation of polystyrene resins on the removal of Cr(VI) from wastewater by anion exchange. Chemosphere, 2016,156:326-333.

[6] Ke Xiao, Fuyuan Xu, Ning Duan et al.. Resin oxidization phenomenon and its influence factor during chromium (Ⅵ) removal from wastewater using gel-type anion exchangers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016,283:1349-1356.

[7]Ke Xiao, Guimei Han, Ning Duan et al.. Evaluation of polyacrylic anion exchange resins on the removal of Cr(Ⅵ) from aqueous solutions. Royal Society of Chenistry, 2016,6:5233-5239.

[8]Pengpeng Jiao, Fuyuan Xu, Ning Duan et al.. The inhibition effect of SeO2 on hydrogen evolution reaction in MnSO4-(NH4)2SO4 solution. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016,41:784-791.

[9]Fuyuan Xu, Zhigang Duan, Ning Duan et al.. Electrochemical analysis of manganese electrodeposition and hydrogen evolution from pure aqueous sulfate electrolytes with addition of SeO2. Journal of Electronanalytical Chemistry, 2015,741:149-156.

[10]Baoping Xin, Ting Li, Ning Duan et al.. Reductive dissolution of manganese from manganese dioxide ore by autotrophic mixed culture under aerobic conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015,92:54-64.

[11]Fuyuan Xu, Ning Duan et al.. Water balance analysis and wastewater recycling investigation in electrolytic manganese industry of China — A case study. Hydrometallurgy, 2014,149:12-22.

[12]Bing Du, Ning Duan et al.. Recycling of electrolytic manganese solid waste in autoclaved bricks preparation in China. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2014,16(2):258-269.

[13] Ning Duan, Zhigang Dan, Fan Wang et al.. Electrolytic manganese metal industry experience based China’s new model for cleaner production promotion. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2011, 19(17-18): 2082-2087.
